TRB POST GRADUATE ASSISTANTS PROVISIONAL SELECTED LIST DIRECT RECRUITMENT OF POST GRADUATE ASSISTANTS FOR THE YEAR 2016 – 2017 – PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR INDIVIDUAL QUERY, PROVISIONAL SELECTED LIST | Direct Recruitment of Post Graduate Assistants / Physical Education Directors Grade – I – 2016 – 2017 Provisional Selection List After Certiificate Verification As per the Notification No.03/2017 published on 09.05.2017, the corrigendum notification 03A/2017 issued on 30.05.2017 and the addendum issued on 30.06.2017 the Board conducted Written Competitive Examination for the Direct Recruitment of Post Graduate Assistants and Physical Education Directors Grade – I on 02.07.2017 and results were published on 11.08.2017. Board also conducted Certificate Verification for the same on 28.08.2017 and 29.08.2017. Now, the Board releases the Provisional Selection list for all subjects. The list is prepared based on Written Examination marks and weightage marks for Employment Exchange Seniority and Teaching Experience following merit-cum-Communal Rotation, as per rules in vogue. This selection is purely provisional and is subject to the outcome of various writ petitions pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court. The appointment orders for the eligible candidates, satisfying all conditions will be issued by the Director of School Education separately after due process. Utmost care has been taken in preparing the list and in publishing it. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in. Incorrect list would not confer any right of enforcement.Click here for Individual Candidate Query Click here for Provisional List of Selected Candidates.